Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Week 2 blog

This week's blog is not on any certain prompt. This week it is only on the readings and the viewing.

In the first reading, Taking Culteral Crime to the Movies, Yar explores how Crime is represented in the media and in the movies. She looks into what messages are in these representations of criminals and crime and what that says about how society views crime and what the moviemakers are trying to say. She also looks into what this means for the justice system. She gives insight into how this might affect the social views on these topics.
The next article was in very much the same way but looking through out the media for themes of Marxism.
In the show that I chose to watch, the main characters are 4 brothers from a bad neighborhood in New York and petty crimes are a part of daily life to them. Due to circumstance they find themselves getting into deeper stuff and inadvertently work themselves up to the top of the Irish mob.

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