Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Week 1 blog

My name is Aaron Boyle. Eventually I am going into law enforcement and I will be the best cop ever. I am taking the Crime in the Media class because it will help me to gain more perspective on the subject of crime which will only aid me in the future. I hope to gain perspective and insight and to learn about crime and it's relationship to the media.

I was pretty surprised at the results of my 5day media survey. I actually happened to be on an island for the weekend so that obviously limited my media intake quite a lot. However only considering the few days I had I was surprised how little media I got. I get a little bit of radio, pretty consistent internet, and a few movies. I never read the paper or watch any TV. The most I get is internet which is usually some everyday. There was also not much to do with crime. There was a bit about murder and drugs and cops in the one movie I watched in that time. Really the only other thing that had to do with crime was when I heard about a massacre in Norway on the radio and I then ended up looking it up on the internet.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Aaron. Welcome to the course. What island were you on for the weekend? There's not a lot of islands around here!

    I'll be interested to hear what you have to say about media and crime from a law enforcement perspective (or at least the perspective of a future law enforcement officer). A lot of police work these days uses the media extensively, but (as we saw in the Hayward reading) our digital media culture cuts both ways. Anyway, Glad to have you in the course.
